Memorial Day, first just a day and now a weekend, is a time to remember those past and present that serve -- and have served -- their country and communities with honor and dignity. These men and women have done this so that others can enjoy the freedom and liberty we call the American dream. There is so much I want to say, but for once it will not be political.
Long before I was a Libertarian, a distinction I grow more proud of every day, I was first American. Long before you were a Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Independent, Liberal, Tea Party, or Green you were, and are, Americans first. Let's remind ourselves of that often.
On this Memorial Day, my prayers go out to all those that are currently serving in the armed forces, especially those serving in combat areas around the world. These prayers extend to POW's and missing in action, asking for a speedy and safe return.
I pray our leaders find the wisdom in the words of our founding fathers and hear their warning to avoid entangling alliances, so that our troops can come home now. There is a better way.
With this Memorial Day blog, I would also like to acknowledge an individual that has risen above all odds to give hope, encouragement and a voice to those that fight daily with mental health disorders. I know first-hand all the obstacles, self doubt, anxiety, and ups/downs this recently announced Citizen of the Year has gone through over the years because it is one of my sisters, and one that I am most proud of, Christine Jasikoff. ( )
We are all here for but a speck of time, so why not make the most of it? In the scheme of things will anyone really remember, or care that you got that report out on time, or made that sales quota? When you have reached your later years is that what you will remember, or be proud of? Of course not!
So make that difference now. Get involved. Trust me on this, we all have something. It could be drinking, drugs, gambling, over-eating, too much shopping, the list goes on and on. None of us is perfect. Except Libertarians , of course LOL! Oh, I forgot I said no politics today, so enjoy the rest of your weekend. Hopefully you take some time to be with yourself, family and loved ones. The craziness begins again on Tuesday!